Hoarder Cleanup Cost For Services

Cheapest Hoarder Cleanup Cost
In Plano, TX and Memphis, TN

Hoarder cleanup cost for services can be paid on an average hourly basis ranging from $250 to $375 per hour. While we offer a flat rate fee with no time limit. Our hoarder cleanup cost for services will be based on what it takes to perform the entire job successfully. We factor up all the necessary supplies and equipment that is necessary to complete the job. All Needs Covered LLC uses this flat rate system to calculate for disposal and equipment use. Every job is unique and is handled with extreme care and compassion for our customers. We’ll write an estimate for the overall cost of the job after the walkthrough is finished. We sometimes can have customers send pictures and videos of each and every area that needs to be cleaned. 

**Our hoarder cleanup cost will include truck rentals, dumpster rentals, hazmat equipment, disposal fees, landfill dump cost, packing supplies and other miscellaneous supplies (gloves, trash bags, shovels, etc.)**

To complete the hoarder cleanup  job, some hoarding cleaning services companies take longer, while others take less time; it all depends on your individual circumstances. I’ve never seen two hoards that were identical in my time doing this. Work that is good is not cheap, and work that is cheap is not good. 

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Hoarder Cleanup Facts

Did you know that between 2 and 6% of the population suffers from hoarding disorder? Hoarding disorder, according to the Mayo Clinic, is defined as a person’s inability to let go of goods, regardless of their value. As a result of the disorder, sufferers amass a wide range of goods, dramatically reducing the amount of space available in their home or flat, resulting in clutter and frequently throwing their life into turmoil.

The courteous, compassionate, and understanding team at All Needs Covered LLC is here to help if you or a loved one is suffering from hoarding disorder and requires professional hoarder cleanup services. We can tackle any job, including extreme hoarding cleanups, as experienced hoarder house cleaners. We can assist you with any hoarding scenario without any prejudice judgments.